3 West 95th Street
New York, NY 10025
An update about what we are working on in class
During the winter semester the students in the Friday class began an exploration of expression through shadows. We watched shadow plays and practised making hand shadows. The students then chose their characters, we made up a story and made most puppets necessary for the story together in class. This explorational work, which has been percieved as quite challenging for the students, is now culminating in a short shadow play on February 15. It will be in the
Carnegie Library at 1.50pm. All are welcome!
Carnegie Library at 1.50pm. All are welcome!
Day and Time of class: Age group:
Fridays at 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm 3nd grade - 5th grade Tuesdays 3.00 pm - 4.30 pm Kindergarten - 2nd grade Location: Carnegie Library. The big assembly room, with the big rug, by the lobby entrance. Meet up: The drama teacher will meet the children in the designated room for drama class after dismissal. After School: The children can continue to OASIS After School Program after drama class. Please inform the drama teacher if this is the case. Especially if the student only goes to OASIS occasionally. Absences: The Drama Class is not affiliated with the school and information about illness, vacation trips or other will not be communicated to the drama program from neither the school nor the OASIS. The guardians of the students are strongly encouraged to communicate any absences to the drama teacher in advance. Who: The class room teachers will be given a list of what kids have drama in the beginning of each semester. However, the legal guardians are encouraged to remind their children very morning of their after school activities and where they are expected to go. Registration: To register please send an email to the drama teacher to confirm interest in participating, including name of child and grade. Secondly, make a payment in full before the first day of class. Finally, fill in the registration form and return to the drama teacher. Find the registration form below. Payment Methods: Checks, Cash and Pay Pal are accepted payment methods, although pay pal is the preferred method. Fee: Fall or winter semester: Fridays: $336 Tuesdays $384 Fall & winter: Fridays $630 Tuesdays: $720 Yearly: Fridays $1176 Tuesdays: $1260 Spring & Late Spring: Fridays $630 Late Spring: Friday $450 Tuesdays: $360 |
CLASS SCHEDULEFall 2012 Friday 10/05 Friday 10/12 Friday 10/19 Friday 11/02 Friday 11/09 Friday 11/16 Friday 11/23 No Class. Thanksgiving. Friday 11/30 Winter 2012 Friday 12/07 Friday 12/14 Friday 12/21 No Class. Friday 12/28 No Class. Holiday Break 12/21 - 01/03 Friday 01/11 Friday 01/18 Friday 01/25 Friday 02/01 Friday 02/08 CANCELLED! Blizzard! Spring 2013 Friday 02/15 Friday 02/22 Friday 03/01 Friday 03/08 Friday 03/15 Make up day for Blizzard. Spring Break 03/15- 04/01 Late Spring 2013 Friday 04/05 Friday 04/12 Tuesday 04/09 Friday 04/19 Tuesday 04/16 Friday 04/26 Tuesday 04/23 Friday 05/03 Tuesday 04/30 Friday 05/10 Tuesday 05/07 Friday 05/17 Tuesday 05/14 Friday 05/24 Tuesday 05/21 Field Day. No class! Friday 05/31 Tuesday 05/28 Friday 06/07 Tuesday 06/04 END OF SEMESTER. SCHOOL ENDS FOR SUMMER BREAK. |
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